Wear Your Own Style

There are many ways to express art. For some it can be through painting, sculpting, molding, fashion style and printing. The expression of one can be manifested in these kinds of arts. Many prefer to express their emotions through the way they dress and the way they choose their outfits. It makes them feel comfortable and confident with what they are wearing. When I walk along in the parks, malls or anywhere I can see statement shirts. I wonder where they get these shirts. Some shirt companies have their own fashion sense. They design different kinds of shirts or pants. There are shirts that have a print on it and some have sketches. I remember during high school when we had our yearly intramurals we have to design our own logo and print it on a shirt. This will distinguish us from other groups. So what we do is to produce our own shirt and just print the design on it. We had our own fashion styles. Many companies, schools and other organizations choose to have their ...